Melentiev, P. N., Son, L. V., Kudryavtsev, D. S., Kasheverov, I. E., Tsetlin, V. I., Esenaliev, R. O., & Balykin, V. I. (2020). Ultrafast, Ultrasensitive Detection and Imaging of Single Cardiac Troponin-T Molecules. ACS sensors.
Baburin, A.S.
N.A. Orlikovsky, A.A. Dobronosova, I.A.
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A.S. Baburin, A.I. Ivanov,
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Melentiev, A. Kalmykov, A. Gritchenko, A. Afanasiev, V. Balykin, A.S.
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A.V. Dorofeenko, I. Ryzhikov, A.P. Vinogradov, A.A. Zyablovsky, E.S.
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"Plasmonic nanolaser for intracavity spectroscopy and sensorics", Appl.
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N. Melentiev, Anton E. Afanasiev, Arthur A. Kuzin, Valeriy M.
Gusev, Oleg N. Kompanets, Rinat O. Esenaliev, and Victor I. Balykin,
"Split Hole Resonator: A
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Wang, Alexander S. Shorokhov, Pavel N. Melentiev, Sergey Kruk, Manuel
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"Multipolar Third-Harmonic Generation in Fishnet Metamaterials", ACS
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V. Klimov, Ilya V. Treshin, Alexander S. Shalin, Pavel N. Melentiev,
Artur A. Kuzin,
Anton E. Afanasiev, and Victor I. Balykin, "Optical Tamm state and
giant asymmetry of light transmission through an array of nanoholes",
Physival Review A, v. 92, p. 063842 (2015)
P.N. Melentiev, A.E.
Afanasiev, A.V. Tausenev, A.V. Konyaschenko, V.V.
Klimov and V.I. Balykin
“Nanoscale and femtosecond optical autocorrelator based on a
single plasmonic nanostructure”, Laser Phys. Lett. v.11,
P.N. Melentiev, A.E.
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V. Konstantinova, P. N. Melentiev, A. E.
Afanasiev, A. A. Kuzin, P. A. Starikov, A. S. Baturin, A. V. Tausenev,
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Balykin, “Nanolocalised source of femtosecond
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I. Balykin, P. A. Borisov, V. S. Letokhov, P. N. Melentiev, S. N.
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A. Skuratov, "Parallel Fabrication of Atomic Nanostructures", Bulletin
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