on nanoscale
Atom nanofabrication
& Nanoplasmonics
nanohole & photonic crystal
nanohole as nonlinear element
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Single nanohole as nonlinear element
Tamm states

The ÎÒS is an optical
analog of an electronic Tamm state (OTS).The OTS can arise at the
interface between a photonic crystal and a metal. The physical reasons
for the
localization of the electromagnetic field of the OTS at the interface
are (à) an exponential decay of the
field toward the medium with a
negative dielectric permittivity (the imaginary value of the wave
vector in the
medium) and (b) a decrease of the
wave in the medium with a positive dielectric permittivity because the
condition of total internal reflection is implemented. Over the last
few years,
OTS have been intensively studied both theoretically and
Figure (a) shows the
experimental arrangement
create OTS. A 12-layer periodic dielectric structure
(metamaterial) is deposited on
a quartz substrate (which is shown at the top in
Figure). The dielectric structure consists of an Al2O3
layer (with a thickness of 125 nm) and alternating TiO2
and MgF2
layers (with their thicknesses being 82 and 125 nm, respectively). A
gold film
with a thickness of 220 nm is deposited on the surface of the
metamaterial (at
the “bottom” in
Figure). Since the thickness
of this film considerably exceeds the thickness of the skin layer (~80
nm), the
film is opaque in the wavelength range of the incident light (from 575
to 875
nm). Figure (b) shows a computer
simulation by the FDTD method of the
spatial distribution of the electromagnetic field of the OTS, and (ñ)
its transverse section.
Melentiev P.N.,
Konstantinova T.V., Afanasiev A.E., Kuzin A.A., Baturin A.S., Balykin
V.I., “Single nanohole and photoluminescence: nanolocalized
and wavelength tunable light source”, Optics Express, Vol. 20
Issue 17, pp.19474-19483 (2012)
P. N. Melentiev,
A. E. Afanasiev, A. A. Kuzin, A. V. Zablotskiy, A. S. Baturin, and V.
I. Balykin, "Extremely High Transmission of Light through a Nanohole
inside a Photonic Crystal", JETP, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp.
185–193 (2012) (eng)
- P.N. Melentiev, A.E. Afanasiev, A.A. Kuzin,
A.V. Zablotskiy, A.S. Baturin and V. I. Balykin, "Single nanohole and
photonic crystal: wavelength selective enhanced transmission of light",
Optics Express, v.19, 22743 (2011)
Single Nanohole, Photonic
crystal & Microcavity

Transmissions of nanoholes in
the Au film and
nanoholes in the photonic crystal microcavity at identical parameters
of illumination and detection at a
light wavelength nearby the PCM’s resonance mode: Left column
– nanoholes
in the Au film: (a) the scheme of nanoholes illumination in the
reference Au film, (b) nanoholes images
of the reference Au film in the 2D CCD of the microscope,
Right column – nanoholes in the photonic
crystal microcavity: (c) the scheme of nanoholes illumination in the
photonic crystal microcavity,
(d) nanoholes images of the photonic crystal microcavity in the 2D CCD
of the microscope.
first time we have
demonstrated an approach to control transmission of light through a
single nanohole with the use of photon crystal microcavity. By use of
the approach 28-fold enhanced transmission of light through a single
nanohole in Au film has been experimentally demonstrated. The approach
has the following advantages: (1) it enables to considerably increase
transmission of light through a single nanohole, (2) the increase in
transmission is unaffected by the hole diameter, (3)
the transmission of nanohole is selective in frequency, the width of
the resonance ~λ/90, (4) no auxiliary structures are
on the surface of the Au film (extra nanoholes, grooves, etc.).
Melentiev P.N.,
Konstantinova T.V., Afanasiev A.E., Kuzin A.A., Baturin A.S., Balykin
V.I., “Single nanohole and photoluminescence: nanolocalized
and wavelength tunable light source”, Optics Express, Vol. 20
Issue 17, pp.19474-19483 (2012)
P. N. Melentiev,
A. E. Afanasiev, A. A. Kuzin, A. V. Zablotskiy, A. S. Baturin, and V.
I. Balykin, "Extremely High Transmission of Light through a Nanohole
inside a Photonic Crystal", JETP, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp.
185–193 (2012) (eng)
- P.N. Melentiev, A.E. Afanasiev, A.A. Kuzin,
A.V. Zablotskiy, A.S. Baturin and V. I. Balykin, "Single nanohole and
photonic crystal: wavelength selective enhanced transmission of light",
Optics Express, v.19, 22743 (2011)
Institute for spectroscopy RAS,
Fizicheskaya Str., 5, Troitsk, Moscow, 142190 Russia
phone: +7 495 851-02-33